Ask Alexa

Alexa holding coffee beans

Ask Alexa

Of course our focus, each and every day, is to bring a big smile on your face when you taste our coffee! Secondly, we want you to have FUN! So, I’ve created this page just for you. Please give us some feedback, some suggestions; maybe even some compliments or insults if you feel the need!

Ask Alexa

Dried Coffee Beans

Love Our Coffee

We have a Guarantee, but you really won’t need it. And, we want you to interact with us on all our social media and blogs and whatever form of communication you’re up for today! If you haven’t already guessed it, my heart and soul are in this company. We don’t want to be anything but the #1 tasting coffee in your mind. Work with me, tell your friends to try us, give coffee as a gift. Introduce your boss to it, or your cousin, or your across-the-street neighbor who you rarely see.

Come see what both Humans and Animals are saying about our coffee!! - Alexa

Bag of our coffee