Green Coffee

Growing green beans

Learn Our Process

From baby sprout to coffee spout, every step of the coffee process is meticulously and carefully observed and controlled for quality and consistency.

Once our plants have matured for four years in the shade of the rainforest, the coffee is finally ready for picking. Picking is broken down into phases so that only mature beans are used, avoiding discrepancies and inconsistencies in roasting and discouraging mold growth. The picked coffee cherries are washed in spring water and then pulped. The pulping process is the removal of the outer skin of the coffee cherry from the coffee bean. Kilambé Coffee does this in a wet/dry hybrid method whereby we use water to de-pulp but do not leave the coffee in water to ferment.

After pulping the coffee is left to rest and dry in the sun in order to dry and remove the mucilage that still covers the coffee bean, as well as eliminate all water and kill any possibility for mold growth. The coffee is then hulled, polished and let to rest for a period of at least 21 days for the organoleptic characteristics of our premium product to reveal themselves.

Only The Largest Beans

Afterword, the coffee is mechanically sorted by size so as to include only the largest coffee beans. After the mechanical sorting process, which is sufficient for most individuals, we then employ a team of eyes to visually inspect and hand sort every single bean and remove any imperfect, inconsistent or irregular beans that could affect the quality and consistency as well as any debris that could have made its way there.

Our Green Beans are:

  • Organic
  • Mycotoxin Free
  • Shade Grown over a mile above sea level (5700 feet)
  • Kosher
  • Sun dried
  • Mountain Spring Washed
  • Fair-trade
  • Top Quality
Bag of our Grean Beans
Sample Bag

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